IHRCProceedings of the II International scientific and practical conference "Transformation of education in the context of globalization processes"admin17.04.2024
IHRCProceedings of the International scientific and practical conference "Realities and priorities for the development of science and education"admin07.03.2024
IHRCProceedings of the International scientific and practical conference "Science and education as a basis for social development"admin21.02.2024
IHRCProceedings of the International scientific and practical conference "Achievements of science and education in the ХХІ century"admin08.02.2024
IHRCProceedings of the International scientific and practical conference "Science and education under the influence of global challenges"admin30.01.2024
IHRCProceedings of the International scientific and practical conference "Science and education in an era of new challenges and opportunities"admin13.01.2024
IHRCProceedings of the International scientific and practical conference "Current state and development trends of science and education"admin30.12.2023
IHRCМатеріали Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції “Наука та освіта в умовах викликів сьогодення”admin16.12.2023